SKODA Auto Deutschland GmbH – motor shows

For more than 10 years we have been supporting SKODA Auto Deutschland GmbH at its international car shows and motor shows with consulting, planning and technical implementation in various major cities such as Paris, Frankfurt, Geneva, Shanghai, Beijing, New Delhi, Moscow and Mladá Boleslav.
Conferences, Congresses, Meetings

One of our main business areas is the technical implementation of conferences and congresses. Here we are at home in all industries. From pharmaceuticals to IT to automobiles, from internal meetings to major marketing events, from simultaneous translation technology to large-format projection: we make the wishes of our customers a reality worldwide.
125 Years Bavarian Yachtclub

Jubiläumsfeier in umgebauter Fliegerhalle zum 125-jährigen Bestehen des Bayerischen Yachtclubs am Starnberger See.
Anaesthesia Congress

Medical congress in Rome with 400 participants and live video transmission to Bruges and Copenhagen.